Since 2013, The Fissure is our outlet for real, inspired writing on education and the edvolution of learning in the 21st century.
An open forum, where we and our network of talented friends & colleagues contribute to the discourse on education in a way which provokes, but positively propels, the conversation forward.
Contact us to add your voice, perspective and story to The Fissure.
Not Returning This Gift: How the Gifted Label Unexpectedly Helped My Child…and Me
The Catch-22 of Gifted Underachievement
“Poke the Box”: Inviting Students to Wonder and Initiate
Enriching Holiday Gatherings with Intergenerational Interviews
5 Apps to Declutter Your Mind and Open Up Creative Headspace
Uncharted Territory: Early Milestones and Educational Planning
3 Reasons to Take Your Kid to The Martian
The Oxygen Mask: Gifted and 2e Parenting
Making Use of Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities
Ode to a Rush-Free Childhood
Gifted 101: The 6 Gifted Profiles
A Student Poem to Vindicate Our Mission
The Power of Special Connections: Gifted/Special Needs Friendships
Helicopter vs. Free-Range: How the Parent Label Debate Hurts All Parents
Searching for Meaning: A Parent Book Review
7 Ways to Generate Genuine Curiosity in Students
10 Books to Nurture Your Gifted Child
The Element: An Inspiration to Re-Envision Education
Help fuel the mission!