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Since 2013, The Fissure is our outlet for real, inspired writing on education and the edvolution of learning in the 21st century.
An open forum, where we and our network of talented friends & colleagues contribute to the discourse on education in a way which provokes, but positively propels, the conversation forward.
Contact us to add your voice, perspective and story to The Fissure.
NuMinds Admin
3 min read
About NuMinds: The First 10-Years
NuMinds Enrichment was created in 2013 by two rebellious public school teachers, Ben Koch and Justin Vawter. In the beginning, Ben and...

Justin Vawter
3 min read
Integrating Careers into Elementary Education: A “Nu” Approach
How career pathways can be integrated into elementary education using narratives and Project-based Learning.

NuMinds Admin
2 min read
The Future of Camp Pursuit
How does Camp Pursuit work? An overview of the new model!

Justin Vawter
4 min read
The EdTech Narratives
He remembers his old school, where every student had a set schedule and every class roster was the same. Adapting to this stretch model was

Justin Vawter
7 min read
Poetry, Politics, and the 3rd Way
“Five thousand tongues applauded…” but I look up to see blank stares. I continue anyway: “Then the writhing pitcher ground the ball into...

Justin Vawter
3 min read
What a Teacher Really Needs
The diploma reads, “Curriculum and Instruction.” Two words often tied together with an ampersand. It wasn’t until much later, during a...

Justin Vawter
4 min read
The Next Wave in Education
The day is calm. Your feet are in the sand. Waves gently lap onto the shore, rising to your ankles and gliding across the tops of your...

NuMinds Admin
3 min read
Sending Students “Back to Space” with Simulated NASA Mission Scenarios
This month, we’re putting students in the seats at NASA – virtually, that is, at least for now. In partnership with Back to Space, a...

NuMinds Admin
4 min read
Using Stories to Share STEAM: Transcending Barriers with our Hands-On Enrichment
A beloved story just may be the key to taking STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) fields to new places, or at least,...

Tarek Hamdan
3 min read
NuMinds Builds 21st Century Thinkers
Dear Readers of the FissureBlog, In the industry write-up to follow, NuMinds Business Director for Latin America, Tarek Hamdan, addresses...

Justin Vawter
4 min read
Sputnik in Reverse: Cutting Funding for Advanced Learning in Texas
When Sputnik floated by, the U.S. panicked–how could we be behind the USSR in the Space Race? The United States immediately began to...

Sage Waelbroeck
3 min read
The Future of EdTech
Do you know how a cell works? Sure, everyone remembers that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell – but what does that really...

Sage Waelbroeck
4 min read
Easy as S-E-L
SEL, or Social and Emotional Learning, is defined by CASEL as “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively...

Sage Waelbroeck
3 min read
The D&D Effect
At even our most primitive levels, we humans are storytellers. Primitive humans drew on cave walls, preserving the stories of their...

Sage Waelbroeck
3 min read
The Strength in Making Mistakes
When an infant is learning to walk and falls on their face, what happens? Inevitably some crying is involved but this is part of the...

NuMinds Admin
1 min read
NuMinds is pleased to announce a collaboration with Back to Space!
Back to Space is an organization dedicated to stirring up a national passion for space exploration via STEM education and media...

Emily VR
13 min read
GT in PTAs? Include all special needs!
Advocacy remains critical to the survival and growth of gifted education. Despite decades of research, and though gifted students exist...

Nadine Zaytoun
2 min read
Are You In Your Element?
The idea I had before writing this post came from an upper-intermediate class I taught while I was living in Beirut, Lebanon. I wanted...

Noshin Kuraishi
2 min read
S.T.E.A.M. – Rolling the Future
According to the visitor research organization, Destination DC, the ever-transient hub of political action and thought, D.C., attracted...

Justin Vawter
6 min read
Balancing High Expectations with Emotional Support
You change your tone of voice–it’s more demanding now: “Because I said so.” Immediate frustration–her eyes begin to well. Now you’re met...

Vanessa Sanford
12 min read
Letters to Those Silently Suffering: Let’s Talk About It – Bringing Light to What Stigma Force
by Vanessa Sanford *This post is intended to help parents and educators learn the impact of Stigma and how it effectively gets in the way...

Emily VR
11 min read
Reluctant Gifted Learners: Solving the Puzzle
Parents and teachers of gifted students: if you are reading this post, you are probably looking for help. Whether you teach in a...

Emily VR
5 min read
Young Minds, Grown-Up Worries: 5 Resources for Parents and Educators
For some children, the usual milestones and recommendations rarely seem to apply. Whether because of disability differences, gifted...

Emily VR
3 min read
Summer Learning: Exploring National Parks
Parents and caregivers: if you haven’t visited a National Park or National Historic Site recently, there is probably one near you, and...
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