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Yes, You Can
And reignite their passion and purpose for education

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Your Teachers Need Your Leadership More than Ever

Yes, you can 10x your teachers' passion and purpose this fall ... with 5 turn-key activities. 

NuMinds cofounder Ben Koch on the easy-to-use activities that will get your teachers fully invested, aligned, and happy this year.

Here's Your Toolkit to Inspire Your Teachers...

10x Your Teachers’ Passion and Purpose

with 5 Simple Activities

Get your ready-to-present activities and bonus slide deck.


10x Expansion - 5 Hands-On Extension Challenges

5 additional (fun) activities for teachers, to supplement "10x Your Teachers' Passion and Purpose."


Coaching Call

We're here to support you! Book a complimentary call with the experts at NuMinds, to help you frame and deliver your 10x content for your teachers.

Want to See a Sample?

Click for a sample of 10x Your Teachers' Passion and Purpose


Meet Our Founders


Justin Vawter, M.Ed.

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Ben Koch, M.Ed.

NuMinds Enrichment was created in 2013 by two innovative public school teachers, Ben Koch and Justin Vawter. Before NuMinds, Ben and Justin were master teachers, who brought their love of learning to the classroom. However, their spark made them different, and they refined the art of meeting requirements while creating a sacred learning space for their students.


After experiencing first-hand what happens when curriculum is standardized and made to "fit every student," Ben and Justin solidified their human-centric vision and created a new way to support teachers and students. NuMinds is their way of sharing real inspired learning with the world.


To Inspire Teachers

Does This Sound Like You?

  • ​Do you feel like...  there's got to be a better way to prevent teacher burnout?

  • ​Does it seem... that today's fraught educational climate is driving good teachers away from the classroom?

  • ​And when it comes down to it, do you...  want to empower your teachers and increase their enjoyment of teaching?

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